第四其子胡志明是个十足的公子哥儿,贫玩又不爱读书,这一个月来,虽被林宏伟教导已渐上正途,很用心的读书做功课,但是他毕竟还是个十七、八岁的男孩子,好玩好动的个性也还是改不了,偶而他母亲的牌局未打完尚没回家,就要求林宏伟放他一马,今晚休课让他好溜出外面玩一会。 While filming the adult film Matinee Idol, porn stars Lance and Linda have a clash of egos. After appreciating his talents, Linda asks her new pool man Bud Cochran to audition, but not before subjecting him to plastic casting "for prosperity". After Lance has a private session with the casting directors' secretary right on the casting directors' table, he successfully initiates new candidate Daisy through a screen test. Bud Cochran is approved after his own successful screen test with Daisy. A publisher wants Lance to write a sex book, but the publisher's wife has other ideas. Finally, Lance and Linda re-do their scene and find the missing sparkle. But after Daisy and Bud Cochran suddenly quit to marry each other, so do Lance and Linda. The casting directors then resort to asking the viewers for replacements.